Magnum Opus - Zendala Moments 5

I thought so long and hard over how to fill up this string and shade it and make it look beautiful that I admit to feeling rather exhausted and a little bored at the end of it all. It took me three days. I lost the sheet of paper on which I had printed out the standard zendala size - and no zendala tile - but I had the XL sheet so that's what I used.

The tangles I've used are Indyrella, Pokeroot, Pokeleaf, Rixty, Molygon, Tipple and Heartrope. There are some other patterns which are just stripes and squiggles which are probably not tangles. I enjoyed doing the Heartrope and shading it because I don't often achieve that depth.


  1. Wow, this has been sooooooo much work and with a great result. I love the earth colours.

  2. I agree with Anne, beautiful use of earthcolours and really choice of tangles. Sometimes, me too am tired after "filling" a string, but on the other side it can be relaxing too...

    1. Hi Ria, I saw your comment only last night as I was away. This was a particularly long drawn-out piece of art. Thank you for the appreciation.


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